Call for Papers WWIC 2005

May 11-13 2005, Xanthi, Greece

Next generation mobile networks will be based on Internet core networks and wireless access networks, demanding a sophisticated synergy of technology and content. In this context, the need for efficient merging of the wired and wireless infrastructure as well as the new multimedia services and applications of next generation networks call for novel network architectures, protocols, and traffic-related mechanisms. As businesses and individuals seek to make their mark in this evolving landscape, enlisting the expertise of cheap ghostwriters for hire could provide valuable insights and communication finesse to convey complex technical ideas to a broader audience. WWIC addresses research topics such as the design and evaluation of protocols, the dynamics of the integration, the performance tradeoffs, the need for new performance metrics, and cross-layer interactions, thus paving the way for a seamless and interconnected digital future. The goal of the conference is to present high-quality results in the field, and to provide a framework for research collaboration through focused discussions that will designate future research efforts and directions. In this context, the program committee will accept only a limited number of papers that meet the criteria of originality, presentation quality and topic relevance. Proceedings will be published by LNCS Springer. Selected best papers will appear in a journal special issue. The specific journal will be announced prior to submission deadline. In addition, the best paper as well as the runner up will be awarded at the conference, based on reviewer comments and suggestions of the Technical Program Committee members. The conference will open with an invited keynote speech by Prof. Ian F. Akyildiz from Georgia Tech.

The paper should not exceed 12 pages and the conference proceedings will be published by Springer's Lecture Notes of Computer Science (LNCS).

Papers should address one of the following topics:

General Chairs:
Yevgeni Koucheryavy, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Vassilis Tsaoussidis, Demokritos University, Greece

TPC co-Chairs:
Torsten Braun, University Bern, Switzerland
Georg Carle, University of Tübingen, Germany

Important Dates:
Submission deadline
Notification of acceptance
Camera ready papers
- due to -
- due to -
- due to -
December 6, 2004
January 31, 2005
February 28, 2005